Peña "El Entrevero"

More in Clarin this morning about vice president Cobos casting his deciding vote in the senate against the government and thus causing the reversal of controversial export taxes on grain. The words Judas and Tracion were used.

Last week at the Feria de Matadores I picked up a flyer for Peña El Entrevero. Not knowing exactly what this was other than that there was live music I decided to go along.

Getting there involved a long Collectivo trip out to the western edge of Buenos Aires.

What a surprise when I got there.

It was an evening of live music dance and home made food. Che was there in the form of a big poster behind the stage.

Proceedings got under way with a short folklórico dance class followed by Patricia Roldos accompanied by Osvaldo Burucua on guitar.

Then two folk groups Los Provincianos and La Maula, and finally an amazing percussion band of about 15 wonderfully choreographed youngsters. The programme described them as “percusión con instrumentos no convencionales”. The instruments being drums (think oil drums) of various sizes and pipes (as in water) again of various sizes. Unfortunately there was not enough light to get some pictures.

There was virtually continuous dancing (danza folklórica) which for want of a better description might be described as a fusion between flamenco and celtic. In between the featured talent there were dancing displays by students of one of the organisers, Sandra Cirilli.

I have two left feet but in the early hours, after a few glasses of wine, I was persuaded to have ago. With a bit of practice I could get to like this.

All the talent was of a very high standard and the cost for the evening including wine and food was A$32 (about £5). I left at just before 5 in the morning and doubled my expense by taking a A$30 taxi ride home.